Category: Skiing News
Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.
Open. 10km.
25º at 7am. Forecast high 33º.
Skiing is good for early December. The low spots haven’t quite filled in, so the trails are slightly bumpy (but well covered). Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse and Peregrine are open.
If the weather forecast is correct we will be closed on … more
The Wild Wings Gateway to the West
Open. 10 km. Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Turkey, and Peregrine.
26º at 7am and cloudy. You will need maxiglide. 40 inches of snow in November. Chuck keeps the records for Peru for the National Weather Service, and this is a record.
The skiing … more
29º at 7am
22 inches of snow on the ground. 4 inches of snow in the last 24 hours.
Open today as a work in progress. The picture is on the Turkey and yes, in places, you do feel like you are skiing through a tunnel. The snow is … more
Closed. Open to pass holders willing to pick up sticks.
28º at 7am.
Best guess at storm snow total, 14.5 inches and snowing.
20 inches of snow on the ground. Snow total for November 36 inches.
Yesterday there were places where I was walking through snow up to the top … more
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