Category: Skiing News

Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

Not yet.

Closed. 32º, five inches of snow at the stake.

But, the ground is white. It now hasn’t rained for a couple days. The five inches of snow are wet. Everything still needs to dry out and settle and then another snow on top before we can be ready to ski. … more

Are You Ready For Winter?!!!

Time to think about skiing. Are you ready to buy your pass again, or are you ready to commit to the season for the first time. Having a pass can lower your stress level. Leave the skis in the car, drive out any old time and ski a loop, or … more

Been a Pretty Busy Week Up On the Mountain

Work meeting on the new trail, Sunday, September 23rd, at 9am. Ian and Bill have some wood to move. The buncher left a little wood in the way. Needs to be moved before the excavator comes in. The buncher, did you notice I did not say “feller-buncher”, if you are … more

A Little More Info on the New Trail

Part of work crew on day 2. Thank you to all the helpers!

It is happening. It is a work in progress. There are a few details that will only work themselves out once we have snow and we are skiing.

This is a trail designed by Bill Koch and … more

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