Another Wow Day!


Open, 1º and sunny. Expected high 17ª and sunny. Really great mid-winter conditions. Beautiful, beautifully groomed snow. 22 km classic and 6 km skate. What a great day for a ski! WOW! All trails open, except the Loon.

Ian is in the new machine today, It is amazing. A one pass wonder. Between the blade and the tiller, it works wonders with the snow. The Woodcock and Snow Goose are a great example of what it can do. Using the blade on the front Ian has smoothed out most of the trail. I am glad we have lots of snow for him to work with. Dick stuck a pole into the snow on the trail on the Upper Blue Jay, and there is 2 feet of snow on the trail. That is a fair amount.

Good skiing for the next 5 days or so. What are you waiting for.

This machine gives us an amazing track!  And a great skate lane. Photo credit Bob.

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