Author's posts
Apr 01 2018
Happy Skiing, Happy Spring
Open, 39º at 8:00 am and partly cloudy. 39ª is also the forecast high, with sun forecast for this afternoon.
Spring skiing, variable conditions, corn snow. Ian groomed the Blue Jay, Chickadee and Goshawk last night, put in a new track. All trails open except the Loon, too many bare spot. … more
Mar 31 2018
Blue Sky and Great Spring Skiing
Open, 28º at 7:45 am and Sunny!!! Forecast high 45º and Sunny! The trails are still covered with plenty of snow. The snow re-froze last night and will now soften and make the skiing really good and fun. Blue sky and sun shine, a great day to be out.
Ian … more
Mar 30 2018
Toe To Snow Is Good

Open, 36º at 7am, a light drizzle. 45º is the forecast high, and cloudy. Ian has been grooming forever. He is 3 here and ready to drive the snow machine. The ground driven tiller behind this machine never did work.
It might be rainy, but the snow is corn snow and good … more
Mar 29 2018
Peace, Yoga for the Week of March 31st thru April 7th.
Peace Is This Moment Without Judgment by Dorthy Hunt
Do you think peace requires an end to war? Or tigers eating only vegetables? Does peace require an absence from you boss, your spouse, yourself?….Do you think peace will come some other place than here? In some other heart than yours?… more