Category: Skiing News

Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

7 Inches Of New Snow (More falling)

Open, 22º and snowing at 7am. 4 inches of snow Tuesday afternoon. Sleet all night turning back to snow sometime before 4am. For a grand total of 6.5 inches of snow as of 7am. 7 inches by 8:30am.

Ian is out on a the snow machine pulling the roller. He … more

Snow Storm Deja Vu

Open, 3º at 7am and clear. Beautiful red sunrise. Red sky at morning……storms coming in.

This morning: sunny til it clouds up. Very fast but it’s loosened up nicely. There is a track where Ian could get one in. BUT, with the first snow flake the new snow will slow … more

Skiing And Waiting For The Snow to Start

Open, 13º at 7am and sunny. We will have about 12km open, including 5km for skate. The warm temperatures and rain transformed the snow, it is fast, but very skiable! We have tracks in where they would go in. We still have 7-12” of packed snow on the lower trails.… more


Open, 10º at 7am. Sunny, light wind. Forecast high 22º. Ian has been round and round with the groomer and the skiing is very skiable, and fast.  He put a track in where the snow would take a track. So there aren’t tracks everywhere. 12 km groomed out Woodcock, Snow … more

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