Tracy Black

Author's posts

Skiable, But Glazed and Faster

Open. 35º at 7am and partly sunny. Expected high 39º.

Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse and Peregrine. The tracks and the packed snow are glazed. The surface is quick. I put my skis in the tracks and pushed off and slid around. Fast but very skiable. Sometimes when the tracks … more

Yoga Schedule December 15th through January 2nd (Schedule at the bottom)

“It’s going to be OK.” No matter what happerns, “It’s going to be OK.” Win a gold medal in February, get a cancer diagnosis in the spring. And know, “It’s going to be OK.”  I have a friend who gave me a heads up on the socks, and she knows … more

And Now Stickers For Day Passes

Open. 24º at 7am and overcast.

The skiing is still good, but will be faster than yesterday. The Woodcock and Snow Goose are open. Nate said skip the outer, last loop on the Snow Goose until the snow making crew has been out there. But Nate reported in the rest … more

The Skiing is Good, and We Are Working On Maps

Open, 5º at 7am, partly sunny. Expected high today 22º.

Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse and Peregrine are open.

Dick skied all open trails yesterday and reported back. All skiing is really good. He said the Snow Goose extension is still thin, he, Ian, and Chuck will tackle that on Monday with … more

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