Good Skiing Thru the Weekend.


Nice double pole action on wonderful tracks!

Open, 28º and cloudy. Forecast high 34º, some sun this afternoon. 

Another nice day for a ski. Good skiing thru the weekend (at least). The road is not really muddy at this point. But, there are quite a few pot holes. Drive slow, better for your car and everyone else on the road.

There are animal tracks out there. Keep looking around. Animals have been spotted too. Look for mink, deer and raccoon tracks on the Middle Blue Jay. Otter slides on the Upper Blue Jay and down along the brook on the Woodcock and Snow Goose. Coyote, bobcat and snowshoe hare winding thru the woods, look in the newer forests with the younger trees. I have seen deer tracks around. Let me know what you see. The snow plopping out of the trees has made some interesting tracks, one that looked like a Sasquatch. And the short trees on the Upper Blue Jay looked like trolls in hiding.

Trolls in hiding.



    • Cliff Dutton on March 22, 2018 at 10:20 am

    I love the trolls shot and it even has tracks in the snow. Good one!

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