Tracy Black

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Yoga Schedule May 19th through May 28th

Click on “read more” for a current yoga schedule.

Robins are either very trusting or not very smart. I built the woodpile in the picture. I am notorious for woodpiles that tip over. The day after this picture the pile fell over. Ian wants to get me a plum. I … more

Yoga Schedule Week of May 12th

Garlic mustard. Not good! This is a horrible, invasive weed. It can be used to cook with. Other than that we better keep pulling and weeding it out! Here is some pretty good info. Garlic mustard is a biennial, so if you can keep it from flowering and going to … more

Yoga Schedule May 5 though May 12

Look closely at the schedule for the next week, I have cancelled the 9am class on Monday and on Wednesday, the 7:30 and 9am classes. Thanks for understanding!!

The picture above are fiddlehead ferns. They are tasty. Make sure you know what you are doing when you pick them. And … more

Yoga Schedule For the Week of April 28

Do you have any idea how freaking lucky you are? Are you grateful for the breath you just took, or the clean water you just consumed? Just, stop, and think about the gifts we have in our lives every moment, every breath of every day. 

And, now, I am lucky … more

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