……And Life Goes On


And the sun comes up. And the sun sets. The rain falls, and the garden grows. Life goes on. We are weeding the garden, and eating from the garden. We are fixing and painting the house. Now that we are here all the time it is amazing how many projects there are around the house to tend to.

Yoga as we know it is now by Z. It will be quite awhile before I feel like inviting you into the studio and ask you to breathe deeply.

Thanks for your patience, participation and love.
Anybody who feels so inclined may send checks to me at PO Box 132 Peru, VT 05152
If money is tight for you or someone you know, please join and share and participate, no charge!! No cash needed, for any classes or for all.
Please share the codes with anyone you would like to!
Love you all, keep wearing your mask.

For now here are the Z codes. Click on the date and time, this is the link to the meeting.

Link to the current codes

Monday and Friday 9-10 am

Monday evening 5:30-6:30 pm

Tuesday and Friday 7:30-8::30 am

Saturday 8:30-9:30 am

If you ever get asked for a passcode, it is   wildwings

PS If you have trouble with a Z code, call or text me 802-379-1362.

Reviews and Organizations