How do they fly? They are so full of pollen. The sunflowers mostly are past and they do not all look this beautiful to me. But the birds and the bees are happy! The birds are loud and talking and eating! The bees, well, they are busy!
September 22nd, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am slow flow,this is Peru Fair Day, remember to go to Lover’s Lane to get here.
September 24th, Monday, 9-10:30am, slow flow
September 24th, Monday, 5:30pm slow flow
September 25th, Tuesday, 7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
September 26th, Wednesday, 7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
September 26th,Wednesday, 9-10:30am, slow flow
September 28th, Friday ,7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
September, 28th, Friday, 9-10:30am, slow flow
September 29th, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am, slow flow