We are moving through spring with open hearts. As our lives start to move toward “normal” do so with today’s mantra, “I live today with courage and compassion in my heart.”
I am fully vaccinated, but not ready to teach in the studio. Not quite ready to invite you to breathe deeply in that small shared space. If you are vaccinated, thank you for doing you part. If you are not vaccinated, please get in line.
Yoga will continue to be held on line. I don’t really have a timeline in mind. As of today, I would like to just take a wait a little while longer and see approach.
In the meantime, if you would like to join a class the link is in the class listed below. Just click on the class you want. (Please note the exceptions, NO class on Saturday, May 29th, or Saturday June 5th.)
Slow Flow Monday and Friday 9-10 am
Slow Flow Monday evening 5:30-6:30 pm
Hi Tracy
How are you? I haven’t been doing yoga for a while but would like to get back to it.
Are you doing yoga online or in the studio?
Would it be possible for me to attend? Thank you.
Kathe Lynch
Yes you can attend. Not in the studio yet. Still online. The times are:
Slow Flow Monday and Friday 9-10 am
Slow Flow Monday evening 5:30-6:30 pm
Sore and Stiff Tuesday and Friday 7:30-8::30 am
Slow Flow Saturday 8:30-9:30 am