Wow, Another Day of Skiing


This couple and their son skied Friday and Sunday. Loving their new sport.

Open, 30º at 7am. Forecast high 39ª.

Chuck is out grooming. He is going to groom the Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk and Lower Blue Jay. Good skiing! Middle and Upper Blue will ski as back country. Meaning we are not grooming them today. The skiing on the Middle and Upper yesterday was superb! (As reported by a little bird named Martha)

This seems like a low snow year. Simply because there is not a lot of snow on the ground. For a couple days we had impressive snow banks. But they didn’t last long. The fluctuating temperatures keep melting any extra snow. And lots of the precipitation has fallen as rain. If that had all been snow…. 1 inch of rain is equated to 12 inches of snow. (More or less depending on the temperature)

  • We have had 96.1 inches of snow this season.
  • A “normal winter” used to be around 150″ of snow.
  • A high snow winter 190″ to 200″ of snow. (Last 200 incher 2000 and 2001 each season, 2 years in a row)
  • An old fashion normal March snow fall was around 120 inches of snow.
  • The last couple of years March has been low to no snow.
  • February of 2018, so far, 37 inches of snow, 5 inches of water. Using the 1 inch of water to 12 inches of snow. Just in February that would have be 60 inches of snow, Instead of the 37 inches of snow we actually received.  
  • We have always had temperature going up and down, we just used to have more cold, thus more snow falling and then on the ground to work with during the warm spells.

And just for today, the skiing will be good, spring skiing. Get out to ski.


    • Cliff Dutton on February 26, 2018 at 9:21 am

    Interesting weather facts. Thank you!

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