Category: Skiing News

Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

Another Good Day To Ski

Open, 11º at 7am and mostly clear. Beautiful sunrise and one very bright planet in the early morning sky. Expected high today 29º and partly cloudy. Tomorrow warm around 40º. Friday warm and rain.

So, the plan as of today. Open, pretty good skiing today and Thursday. Closed Friday while … more

We Have Good Skiing Today!

Open. 14º at 7am, and aother dusting of snow overnight.  Cloudy skies with an expected high of 20º and maybe sun later this afternoon.

Ian is out grooming all the open trails as I type, and the skiing looks pretty, darn decent. Loose granular base, which now has an inch … more

A Dusting of New Snow (Better than none)

Open, 29º at 7am. A dusting of new snow, on top of a ground up base. The skiing will actually be ok. And if the forecast is correct this week is as good as it gets for for the 10 day out forecast.

Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse and Peregrine. … more

Grinding the Snow, Still Skiing

Open. 25º and cloudy at 7am. Expected high 29º remaining cloudy with the possibility of winter mix.

Ian is grinding up Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse and Peregrine. The snow is grinding into a loose frozen granular. There will be a few icy spots. Shallow classic track in most places. … more

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