Category: Skiing News
Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.
Open, 25º at 7am. Forecast high 27º. And the forecast is for snow.
We are open and the skiing surface snow on the ground this morning is crunchy. New snow is already falling, a half inch, all ready, and the new snow will make the skiing good.
Skiing yesterday was fantastic! … more
Open, 16º at 7am. Forecast high 37º.
Spring skiing. Hard and fast in the morning, slower and softer as the temperatures and sun warm the snow.
The storm due in Wednesday/Thursday sounds quite exciting. Heavy, wet snow. 13 -17 inches of heavy, wet snow. Localized amounts up to 20″. We … more
Open, 25º at 7am. Forecast high 34º.
Skiing today will be good. A little new snow in the tracks to slow it down and away we go. Yesterday Ian groomed, the Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse Goshawk and Lower Blue Jay. With the new snow this morning in the tracks … more
Open, 28º at 7am. Forecast high 32º.
We have and are experiencing an extended number of spring skiing days in a row. The definition of spring skiing is, fast early or late in the day, faster in the shade, slower in the sun, and nothing you can’t ski over or … more
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