Category: Skiing News

Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

We are closed. The warm temperatures overnight cause the road to get too muddy.

We are closed as of today. If the temperatures drop at night again, along with some new snow we will look at opening for another day or two. I will let you know.

Yesterday was a good day. It was warm but the snow stayed nice. Not too much mashed … more

Spring skiing.

Open at 9 am. The temperature at 7:30 am is 30º. The forecast high is 58º and sun!

Another good ol’ spring ski day. Get it while you can. We are open today. This could be the last day. We will be closed on Sunday. The temperature is going to … more

Spring skiing. Fast in the morning and slowing way down in the afternoon.

Open at 9. The temperature at 7:30 am is 23º. The forecast high is 52º and the sun is shining.

Photo on the right is from last night, grooming with the snow cat on the Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, and Grouse. Photo on the left is snow mobile grooming on … more

Really great frozen granular skiing on the low trails. Upper trails will be fine once they soften.

Open at 9 am. The temperature at 7:30 am is 26 º. The forecast high today is 43º with sun and clouds.

The snow was perfect last night for another grooming job with the snow cat. (Ian took the photo on the right last night while grooming, it’s amazing how … more

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