Author's posts
Sep 03 2018
2018 Yoga Schedule September 1st through September 8th (Corrected schedule)

- It has been brought to my attention I neglected to put the Friday 9am class on the schedule this week. It is indeed happening. Let’s start with chanting, which means we need the strong voices here, you know who you are. Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung, the
Aug 30 2018
2018 Yoga Schedule September 1st through September 8th (Schedule at the bottom)

The garden this summer has been very productive. Happy with rain, sun and less sunflowers. Maybe we all need a some tending. Fewer weeds, less showy sunflowers to compete with, some water, some sun. We may need to take care of ourselves differently. I … more
Aug 22 2018
2018 Yoga Schedule August 25th through September 8th (Schedule at the bottom)
Late summer; magenta phlox, sunflowers, golden rod. Crickets, monach cattapillers and great blue herons. The less healthy trees are turning colors and there are leaves falling to the ground. Cut and split firewood is driving around in dump trucks and being stacked into piles that will warm homes thru the … more
Aug 15 2018
2018 Yoga Schedule August 13th through August 27th (Schedule at the bottom)

Well, it is that time of year. Sunflowers!!! We still have a lot! Although, Chuck was in charge of early weeding and prided himself on how many sunflowers he weeded out. I was a little disappointed, but I do have to admit, the carrots and beets are large and delicious. … more