Author's posts
Jun 24 2018
Yoga schedule June 25th through June 30th
Update: I have my new hip. It is a great new hip. New hip on Monday, the 18th. Home the 19th. Gretchen was here to be the nurse for the week. That made this whole process easy. I am up and around some. I am going to teach this week. … more
Jun 14 2018
Yoga schedule June 15th through June 23rd, Bobby teaching on Friday, the 15th
This is Harry, the broad wing hawk from 2016. A fledgling, he had fallen out of the nest and couldn’t fly and had a bum wing. He made it to the new field and we, (Chuck) fed him mice trapped around the property. By the end of the summer he … more
Jun 08 2018
Yoga schedule June 9th through June 23rd
Look who came to our house to visit this week, a wood turtle. (A little commentary after the schedule.)
- June 9th, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am slow flow
- June 11th, Monday 9-10:30am, flow
- June 11th, Monday 5:30-6:45pm, slow flow
- June 12th, Tuesday 7:30-8:30am, sore and stiff
- June 13th, Wednesday, 7:30-8:30am, sore and stiff
- June 13th, Wednesday, 9-10:30am, 1/2
Jun 01 2018
Yoga schedule June 2nd through June 9th
Pink Lady Slippers.
- June 2nd, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am slow flow
- June 4th, Monday 9-10:30am, flow
- June 4th, Monday 5:30-6:45pm, slow flow
- June 5th, Tuesday 7:30-8:30am, sore and stiff
- June 6th, Wednesday, 7:30-8:30am, sore and stiff
- June 6th, Wednesday, 9-10:30am, 1/2 flow, 1/2 restorative
- June 8th, Friday, 7:30-8:30am, sore and stiff
- June 8th, Friday 9-10:30am, slow flow
- June 9th, Saturday,