Its a beautiful (but chilly) sunny day! Yesterday was not as beautiful, starting with snow (almost an inch) turning to rain (almost an inch), a few minutes of sun and then the wind blew. And blew. And then it blew harder. There were six trees across North Road that needed to be cut. We’re not sure how many blew down on the trails yet. A big maple blew across our driveway, taking out the power and phone lines.
The temperature yesterday was forecast to be 54°. It made it to 40°. We still have pretty good snow on the lower trails. The upper trails have taken a hit from water damage (lots of springs flow out of the side of Styles Peak).
We’re thinking we will be open with the lower 11km for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The skiing will be ok (probably better than it was at the end of January!)
We finished our sugaring season (all but the cleanup) last night with almost 7 gallons of Dark Robust syrup. 85.5 gallons total. Our target was 75. A good year!