Man, it has been a good summer. The garden has been good. Chuck weeded out the sunflowers like crazy. But, the sunflowers persevered and they are good! There are lots of flowers. Which bring in the gold finch and the hummingbirds. But, the monarchs. Oh, the monarchs, they give me hope. They aren’t back by hundreds, but they are back dozens. And I am appreciating and grateful for the dozens. On Wednesday I used the weed eater on the Middle Blue Jay and on the way back stopped to look at the mint growing wild in a field, and there were the monarchs. Dozens and dozens of monarchs also enjoying the mint growing wild. They need to start heading south, but I am so happy to see them here!
- September 8th, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am slow flow
September 10th, Monday, 9-10:15am, slow flow
September 10th, Monday, 5:30pm slow flow
September 11th, Tuesday, 7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
September 12th, Wednesday, 7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
September 12th,Wednesday, 9-10:15am, slow flow
September 14th, Friday ,7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
September, 14th, Friday, 9-10:15am, slow flow
September 15th, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am, slow flow
Tracy teaching all classes.