I love blue sky and colorful leaves. Fall is an amazing time of year. Hurrying to get ready for winter and at the same time enjoying the last few lazy summer days. The food is good! Fall veggies are great, and I love apples. Apples and cheese, apples and peanut butter, apple pie, apple sauce. The freezer filling up with the abundance of the summer. Preparation. And wood, the most satisfying of all, to be responsible for our own heat. From A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold, “There are two spiritual dangers in not keeping a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.”

Song for Autumn by Mary Oliver
In the deep fall
don’t you imagine the leaves think how
comfortable it will be to touch
the earth instead of the
nothingness of air and the endless
freshets of wind?
And don’t you think the trees themselves, especially those with mossy,
warm caves, begin to think of the birds that will come — six, a dozen —
to sleep inside their bodies?
And don’t you hear the goldenrod whispering goodbye,
the everlasting being crowned with the first
tuffets of snow?
The pond vanishes, and the white field over which
the fox runs so quickly brings out
its blue shadows. And the wind pumps its
bellows. And at evening especially,
the piled firewood shifts a little,
longing to be on its way.
And last but not least, the upcoming schedule for yoga:
October 6th, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am slow flow,
October 8th, Monday, 9-10:30am, slow flow
October 8th, Monday, 5:30pm slow flow
October 9th, Tuesday, 7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
October 10th, Wednesday, 7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
October 10th,Wednesday, 9-10:30am, slow flow
October 12th, Friday ,7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
October 12th, Friday, 9-10:30am, slow flow
October 13th, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am, slow flow