Warrior 3 is better with friends for support. Most things in life are. How often I go thru my day determined to get it done. My way or the highway. And preferably by myself. Since April, when I knew I needed a new hip, I have been better about accepting the help offered. Amazing to think I would need a reason. While on my crutches, after the new hip, I still wanted to do most things, “by myself” (when I write that and listen to what I just said, I actually sound like the 2 1/2 year old grandson), finally I decided to just say “thank you”. Accept any help offered and say “thank you”. Try it for a while see what happens.
November 16th, Friday ,7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
November 16th, Friday, 9-10:30am, slow flow
November 17th, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am, slow flow
November 19th, Monday, 9-10:30am, slow flow
November 19th, Monday, 5:30pm slow flow
November 20th, Tuesday, 7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
November 21st, Wednesday, 7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
November 21st,Wednesday, 9-10:30am, slow flow
November, 22nd, Thursday, THANKSGIVING, A Prayer Class, 9:00-10:15am slow flow
November 23rd, Friday ,7:30-8:30am, stiff and sore
November 23rd, Friday, 9-10:30am, slow flow
November 24th, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am, slow flow