Great Day For A Ski


Early morning grooming. 

Open, 7º at 6 am and 4 inches of new snow. Forecast, snow continuing this morning, high around 20º. It is fluffy, light beautiful snow. Grooming the low trails. The skating lane on the Turkey, Peregrine, Grouse and Goshawk will be fun, firm under and some new snow on top! Chickadee and Blue Jays back country skiing. What a beautiful day for a ski. This light fluffy snow will be slow. Cold snow is slow snow. Cold snow is also squeaky.

All in all, a great day for a ski. Remember, when it is cold out, mittens are warmer than gloves. A hood is great. Layers to add or remove. Dry socks. Hand warmers help. And ask if you need anything.

Gretchen getting a little ski in. 


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