Category: Trail Conditions

March 29, 2023

Open, 22º, the sun is rising to clear sky. High today 45º. Great spring skiing, hard and fast this morning. Softening around 10 am and slowing down by 11 am. All trails are open. Open 9-5 this time of year.

March 18, 2023

Open, 32º and cloudy skies. Loose granular surface groomed up nicely. Skiing is good. Open trails, Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, Peregrine. Open, not groomed today, Chickadee, and Loon. Upper and Middle Blue Jay closed until further notice.

March 14, 2023

Closed, 31º at 2 pm and snowing. Forecast high 31º, and more snow. As of 2 pm we have 24 inches of new snow on the ground. It is not snowing as hard, but snow is still falling. Packing trails is slow going. We will have something tomorrow. But don’t … more

March 9, 2023

Open, 24º at 6:30 am and cloudy. Forecast for today, 32º, and cloudy. All trails open. Some re-grooming done last night. Skiing is really good again today. Great tracks, firm skate lane.

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