Category: Skiing News
Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.
Open, 13º 2.3 inches of new snow yesterday. 21 inches of snow since Friday night. Lots of new snow and cold temperatures make today the day to ski. Skiing is as good as it gets. Take a mental health day and ski. If you can’t ski today, the next 10 … more
Open, 31º at 10:30 am and snowing. The forecast high is 31º and snow continuing for most of the day. The skiing is great.
Groomed this morning: Chickadee, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Goshawk and Peregrine. Upper Blue Jay and Loon open, groomed yesterday. Ian has 2 trees to clear off … more

Pre-grooming photo.
Open, 26º and snowing. Forecast high 31º and snowing, windy, cold. I am so happy!!!!! Winter is here. And the skiing is good. I love this weather!!!!!!!!!!! Break out your warm clothes. Find your neck gaiter. If the wind is blowing watch for branches.
21 Km open. Ian … more
Open, 30º and snowing. It snowed 6.5 inches of snow overnight and the snow is falling, heavy and wet. The weather today looks like a mixed bag, snow mixing with rain, back to snow, the wind could blow.
Ian is on a groomer. He will groom the lower trails, Woodcock, … more
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