Tracy Black

Author's posts

Yoga Schedule November 10th through November 24th (Schedule at the bottom)

This is next year’s wood, 12 cord ready to be moved in the spring. The wood for this year for the barn, 4 cords, was in by the middle of June, before my new hip. The wood for the sugar house for this year, 3.5 cords, was into the sugar … more

Yoga Schedule November 1st through November 10th (Schedule at the bottom)

Paint Pots

My mom and I drove to Yellowstone Park on Wednesday. It has become our thing, drive to West Yellowstone, then to Old Faithful, watch Old Faithful go off, drive home. Old Faithful is now going off every 80 minutes, it used to be every 60 minutes or so. … more

Yoga Schedule October 20th through November 10th (Schedule at the bottom)

Working on the new ski trail. This is going to be fun! Change is always good! Right! And this new trail is going to be great!

This week I had a few things happen that changed my plans. And my plans were great, checking things off the list so I … more

Yoga Schedule October 13th through October 20th (Schedule at the bottom)

Fall Leaves

The leaf pile is big, there are lots of leaves out there. They aren’t all this drab. But the kids don’t seem to care about anything but the size of the pile. They all love a big pile. This pile has been around a while. So, it is wet on … more

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