Time to think about skiing. Are you ready to buy your pass again, or are you ready to commit to the season for the first time. Having a pass can lower your stress level. Leave the skis in the car, drive out any old time and ski a loop, or many, and not worry about it. One long time season pass holder compares buying his season pass to belonging to a CSA, commit and support.

Out on the Lower Blue Jay, now part of the new trail. Maisie and I walked the trail picking up sticks. Ian and Gretchen walked the trail and tried to dig enough ditches to get the water running off the trail and anywhere else. The water in the woods is unbelievable. Anyone wants to walk trails, let me know and I will get you a good water diversion tool.

This year will be the year of the new trail, more on that soon. But also, the year of new culverts. Whew, Ian has put in so many culverts. Hashtag, too much rain, too much water.
Hello Folks,
Ever consider a weather cam for Wild Wings? It’d be great to see the area particularly in the winter months. Good snows headed our way! Enjoy Thanksgiving.
I would love one. Haven’t done much more because our internet is so slow. I will look into it some more. Thanks for the suggestion.