And We’re Skiing Again


Great day for a ski.

Open, 17º at 7am. Forecast high 33º.

Trails will be packed, no tracks set. It is almost rock solid under the new snow. Not the best conditions we’ve ever had, but a beautiful day to enjoy the woods. And quite a change from Wednesday’s 66°.

2 1/2 inches of snow Thursday afternoon. Fell as wet snow, and has now dried out. Ian is in the groomer and is going to see how much skiing he can get you. Turkey, Woodcock and Snow Goose to start. Then adding the Grouse and Goshawk, and the Lower Blue Jay. Check in when you get here to find out exactly where we are at in the grooming process. Our best guess is skiing today and tomorrow, and then day to day, until we get more snow.

Yoga today, 7:30-8:30am for the Sore and Stiff among you. 9-10:30am a flow class.  See about yoga and a full schedule here.

The road has harden up (refrozen). The nice road guys put down some gravel and used the road grader to flatten out some of the ruts.  Remember, aim high, drive slow, and don’t stop.

The temperature dropped but the birds are still singing their spring songs. The birds have been active and loud for the last few days. Watch for animal tracks in the new snow. This year we have seen fox tracks and the fox, rabbit tracks and the rabbit, and fisher tracks along with all the little animals running around leaving foot prints. The piliated woodpecker has been loud, listen for it. And someone heard a barred owl during the day last week.

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