Open, 14º at 6:30 am and cloudy. Snow expected today with a high temperature of 32º. All trails open, 25 km classic and 6 km skate. The skiing is great, really good and wonderful. But with the new snow and temperatures around 32º you will need Maxi Glide, or Swix F4 on no wax skis.
There are lots of animal tracks right now, they are all hungry and out looking for some breakfast. Above we know the animal is a canidae, small coyote, or large fox. Below a rabbit straight down the middle and Ian’s skate tracks.

This group of cuties skied the Turkey yesterday. Then it was time for some sliding and cookies!
And these two are training for the Berkie, which is virtual this year. They are skiing their Official Berkie 43 km here, at Wild Wings, on February 26th, this Friday. They have the course mapped out, and will tweek it depending on the weather. Chickadee, Blue Jay, Upper and Middle, some laps on Snow Goose and back up for another Chickadee. If you see them skiing on Friday, cheer them on.