Yep, Really Good Skiing!


Perfect tracks.

Open, 8º at 7am, cloudy with snow starting to fall mid-day.

Open: Chickadee, with Waite’s Place Loop, NO Loon. If anyone really wants Loon, we can talk and I will loan you a shovel. Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse, Goshawk, and Peregrine are all open and wonderful. Carl B. skied in yesterday and was so excited about the great skiing he skied it all again.

Ian and Heather shoveled yesterday on Waite’s Place Loop and Upper Blue Jay. 6 hours, so 12 hours total. And Dick joined them for part of that. And today Ian, Cindy and Chuck are taking on the Middle Blue Jay. We had LAST WEEK, 3.65 inches of rain in the Wednesday/Thursday rain event. Someone asked me if that was a typo. And no it wasn’t, and the damage that it caused on the trails was substantial. But we are almost back together for the next snow to fall on top of the covered up spots.

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