Wow, Just, Wow!


Open, 26º at 6:30am, and a starry, starry night/early morning. Weather forecast for today, partly cloudy and 37º. You will need maxiglide on waxless skis.

Ian groomed last night, he finished about 8:30pm. His work and the 2.5 inches of new snow from yesterday gives us really great skiing. Look at those tracks, that smooth surface.

The tracks and grooming on 1/3/19 at 8pm. Hope he had good music.

He regroomed all the open trails. Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse, and Peregrine. The tracks look super, super great. All the shoveling to give us the great base pays off everyday and even more when it snows! Thank you Ian for all your work on the trails and for organizing fun shoveling days. If you ever want to be on the shoveling/stick crew let Ian know. He’ll invite you.

To get the other trails, Chickadee, Upper and Middle Blue Jay open we still need the big snow. And the predictions from the weather people are for a good snow next Monday night, Tuesday. The are predicting (an educated guess) 5 to 8 inches. Cross your fingers, do your snow dance.

We have been open officially for all skiers 29 days. Add another 10 to that for just season pass holders. So not counting today, 39 days of skiing. Really good effort again to the shovelers! And to the design of the new trail. The Peregrine was built with low snow use in mind. As smooth as possible. And it works great!

Nice double pole action on wonderful tracks!

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