Open, 15º at 7 am and partly sunny. Forecast high 23º and sun, clouds, and maybe a snow flake.
The skiing is really, really good on 18 km, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse, Goshawk, Peregrine and Chickadee. Loon, 2 km, has not been groomed since the crust, people are skiing it as is. (I do not know how it is.) Upper and Middle Blue Jay, 5 km, have been snow mobile groomed over the crust and are a back country ski experience.
Ian groomed everything last night, and it all set up nicely. Overnight we got another half inch of snow. After the snow a coyote wandered all over by the house and barn looking for a nice gray squirrel meal. Above are the coyote tracks, after the snow in the ski track Ian put in last night.
This is what the tracks looking like before the snow:

And a shot of the coyote tracks from above with my mitten for size reference.

And right this minute out there, a winter wonderland.

Nice photography!