Open, 13º at 6:30 am clear, blue sky. Forecast high today 29º and sunny. Low trails open and groomed with the PistenBully. Loose frozen granular snow, quick, skiable surface. This is also spring skiing, just cold spring skiing.
The Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse, Goshawk and Peregrine all groomed and ready to ski. Upper and Middle Blue Jay and Chickadee will be hard and fast today.
For the weekend, cold nights, warm days. All trails will be open. The skiing on Saturday and Sunday will be good, soft spring skiing. And the sap will run.
We boiled again last night. We made 4 and a half gallons of a nice medium A syrup. We will have syrup at the barn if you need to restock your supplies. I put up some half gallons, Karen and Donna, I know you’ve been waiting…… Mason jars are hard to come by this year, so we have been using cans. If you have any mason jars you don’t need, we will take them, wash them and reuse them.

I have lots more pints I can bring!