Open, 21º and snowing, 2.5 inches of snow last 24 hours. The skiing is so good and if we have learned anything it is to ski a lot while the skiing is good. 25 km classic and 6 km skate.
Ian groomed everything yesterday. So today you get to ski with that little topper of new snow. Icing on the cake, the best part. He also skied yesterday, reporting the Middle and Upper Blue Jay to still be a little soft.
If you have been waiting for the perfect day to ski a longer trail the time has come. This would be the perfect time for a Chickadee, Loon, Waite’s Loop, on to Upper Blue Jay then Middle Blue Jay and then down. In the old days we called that “An Ivanna”. This was Ivanna’s favorite ski and she did it even when the skiing wasn’t perfect.
With all the new snow and the temperatures being around 32º, Maxiglide has been a must on no wax skis. Today you shouldn’t need it. But bring it along if you have it, just in case.
The long term forecast looks great for good skiing. It is time to get out there!