March Skiing, Wow!


Skiing on the Middle Blue Jay yesterday. Someone else had first tracks. 2/28/2019

Open, 8º, and sunny. Forecast is for clouds today and warming up to about 30º. Yes, you will need Maxiglide. Great, really great skiing today. Low trails all packed and tracked. 22 km classic skiing and 4 km skate. Chickadee and Middle and Upper Blue Jay look like the tracks above. There are 3 tracks on the lower part of the Peregrine for the morning. Skiing is really good and it’s a nice day to be outside.

Snow total for February was 19 inches. November was 40 inches, December was 8 inches, January was 42 inches. Quick someone do the math! 108 inches of snow so far this season. 2000 was a high snow year and that year we had 170 inches of snow. And this year if all the rain had been snow……..

At the stake in the backyard the snow measures 29 inches. There is more snow on the higher, upper trails. We have plenty of snow and the skiing is good. And that makes for a good day.

Why I get up early. 3/1/2019

The sunrise this morning lasted about 5 minutes. What a great 5 minutes.


    • Sylvia Savage on March 1, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    Looking forward to some early spring skiing!

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