Closed 25ºat 9am on Wednesday, December 15th.
This photo is from December 14th and is a fair representative of the base that is still on the ground.
We need snow and cold temperatures to get skiing. We started a project in the woods this week that should insure snow. I am trying. Today thru Friday is not good for snow. This Saturday the weather forecast is 90% chance of snow 3-5 inches. We really need 8 inches. Snow dance! Snow dance! Snow dance!
Last year on this date we were working on the Covid shed project. There was very little snow. But the temperatures were colder. We finished this shed December 16th. The snow started that night. By the morning of the 17th we had 22 inches, and by the evening of the 17th, 44 inches of snow. The forecast had been for 6 to 8 inches of snow.
Last year also, the 44 inches of snow almost all melted before the 24th. We closed for a few days, more snow fell and we were open for skiing again.
Keep doing you your snow dance.

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I’m dancing! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Using my winter tracks identification book, I can see a snow cat has visited all ready! 🤣
Those tracks are from the side by side with the tracks on.
That makes sense, rubber tracks not metal snowcat tracks. I’ll get a new tracks ID book!