Open, 23º and cloudy a dusting of snow overnight. Forecast high 25º, morning clouds and afternoon sun. 10 km open and groomed, Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk and Peregrine.
The upper trails for experts only, they have not been groomed. Please ask at the shop before you head up.
The snow has been grooming out nicely, loose granular snow with a little fresh snow mixed in. It is quite pleasant to ski on. This is surface on the lower, groomed trails. So easy to snow plow or herringbone on.

We are starting to get everything ready to sugar. Sugarhouse dug out. Bucket on the tractor, and the sap hauling trailer dug out. The box that holds the tubing, dug out. Next, hang the tubing. Tap the tubing. Get the sugarhouse put back together. And put out some buckets. Maple syrup here we come!