Open, 4º at 9 am, sunny and windy. Forecast high 20º and sunny wind dying down this afternoon. Limited skiing today on a loose granular base. Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose to start. Ian will be driving around and he will be working to get to Peregrine and Grouse. To ski on Chickadee, Loon, Upper and Middle Blue Jay we will need snow.
I skied Turkey, the skiing is good, very manageable, I could snow plow and herringbone, although it was not fast enough to need to do either.

This is how the snow is grooming out. It really is nice. We are so fortunate to have Ian to drive this really nice grooming machine. In the top photo you can see the snow tilling up under the power tiller on the back, before the track setters.
Ian raked the trails with the Ginzu groomer. But the wind did blow all night, there is debris down, pine cones, twigs, etc.