Closed for the rainy day. (Season Pass Holders may ski.) The temperature at 7:30 am is 33º, and the sky is cloudy. The forecast high is 41º and we are suppose to have rain, changing to snow this evening. You all know how I feel about the “changing to snow” forecast. We do not ever get more than a few flakes to a dusting of snow.
Just a note! the photos are from yesterday, Wednesday, March 17, 2021. All the trails were open and the skiing was fabulous.
Again rain and 41º today. Tonight snow? and the temperature dropping to 15º. The forecast high for Friday is 30º and partly sunny. The plan for tomorrow, Friday, groom the low trails with the PistenBully using the plow and the tiller. The skiing will be loose granular and quick. Low trails only.
For this weekend, it looks like we will be able to be open! The sun is suppose to shine, the lows are below freezing, and the highs are 47º on Saturday and 55º on Sunday. We are hoping all trials open for the weekend. Good weather for spring skiing and good weather for the sap to run.