Category: Skiing News

Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

6 km loose, frozen granular base with an inch of snow on top.

Open, 24º at 7 am and sunny. The sun helps! The forecast high today is 32º, you may need Maxiglide.

One inch of snow on top of the loose, frozen granular base. 6 km, Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose. Peregrine and Grouse will open as soon as possible, we need to … more

6 km open to hardy season pass holders.

Open, 24º and cloudy. The snow is crunchy and has been shrinking daily.

The skiing today will remain fast. The temperature will not warm up enough today to soften the snow. We need fresh snow and snow isn’t going to fall until the end of the day.

The forecast for more

Skiing on 7 km, loose frozen granular snow.

Open, 27º at 7 am. Forecast high 42º and partly cloudy.

7 km open, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey and Grouse.

Loose frozen granular on a hard base. The skiing in mostly ok, and thin in spots.

This is today:

Photo taken 1/19/2023

Onto the dream world about the upcoming snow … more

Open, 7 km, loose frozen granular.

Open, 23º at 7 am. Forecast high 42º and mostly cloudy.

7 km open, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, and Turkey. Loose frozen granular in most places. A track, in most places you expect a track. Ian took the photos below while grooming last night.

There are a few spots where … more

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