Category: Skiing News
Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.
Open, 36º, cloudy skies. Forecast, cloudy and 45º. Really good spring skiing. 24 km of classic tracks and 4.5 km of skate.
A little taste of spring this week. Great spring skiing. You won’t be cold. Another great day to ski the Chickadee. Watch for animal tracks, a coyote has … more
Open, 19º at 7am and cloudy. The forecast is for 35º and overcast. The skiing is great!

Oh those tracks! Gotta ski! 2/2/2019
Everything is open, but the Loon. The Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, the Grouse, Goshawk, and Peregrine, and the Chickadee/Waite’s Place Loop and the Upper and Middle Blue … more
Open, -1º at 7am, and sunny. Forecast high 24º. The skiing is amazing. 10 inches of new snow this week, all packed out and ready to ski. Really, really great skiing!
The Chickadee will be beautiful today. Loon is still closed, a flooded spot. Waite’s Place Loop is better than … more
Open, -4º at 7am and clear skies. Expected high today 12º, and mostly sunny. 24 km classic skiing and 4.5 km skate. Really nice skiing! Great snow and warmer temperatures.
Yesterday we had a few hardy souls skiing. They stayed warm, skiing around the Chickadee seems to warm people right … more
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