Category: Skiing News

Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

Another Ski Day

Open, 19º at 7:30 a.m. and mostly sunny. Forecast high, 32º.

Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey and Grouse are open. Ian and crew have shoveled like crazy so the coverage is pretty good, but watch out for roots or stones.

The skiing is OK. Jud from Grafton skied Friday and Saturday. … more

Happy Solstice, Come Out For A Ski

Open, 6º and a beautiful sunny morning.

Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey and Grouse are open. Ian and crew have shoveled like crazy so the coverage is pretty good, but watch out for roots or stones. After Alex’s ski yesterday she said, “it was pleasant.” And she brought her skis back … more

Skiing and Lots of Shoveling Going On Around Here

Open, 3º, clear skis, forecast high today, 18º, low tonight 3º.

The shoveling continues. Ian and Dick shoveled yesterday morning. Ian and the Burr and Burton ski team shoveled yesterday afternoon. Our snow moving equipment fleet has grown and is improving.

The Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, and Grouse are open … more

Open, Limited Terrain And Snow Cover

Open, -2º at 7:30 a.m. and clear skies. Forecast high today 11º. We had 4 inches of snow yesterday morning. When the cold front came through late yesterday it brought a dusting of snow.

We shoveled yesterday. Above is a picture of Ian and Raili working on the Turkey. The … more

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