Category: Skiing News

Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

January 1, 2020, A Great Day For A Ski

Open, 25º, partly cloudy. We had a quick 1.6 inches of snow overnight. The trees are still covered with ice and snow. It looks like a winter wonderland out there. The forecast is for 28º with a few snow flurries possible.

The skiing is quite good, all things considered. Ian … more

The Skiing Is Fine

Open, 28º at 9:40 a.m. The skiing is fine. The photo is E. skiing today, on her Christmas skis.

Peregrine, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey and Grouse. For a grand total of 10 km.

You will need Maxiglide on no-wax skis. The trails are packed, but there is not enough snow … more

We’re Open, We Have Skiing! (Not All Trails)

Open, 26º at 7 a.m. and light snow falling. (The photo above is from this morning.)

Storm info: 1/10 inch of ice, 2 inches of sleet, 1 inch of snow. Total moisture in this mix 1.5 inches of water.

Ian is on a snow machine and packing out trails.

My … more

We Will Be Open With Some Skiing On Tuesday, Dec. 31st

Open again on Tuesday, December 31st.

I am writing at 7pm Monday night. We had two inches of sleet today. The temperature is 25º and it is snowing. The snow is forecast off and on through Wednesday.

The lower, easier trails will be open, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey and Grouse. … more

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