Category: Skiing News
Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

Open. The temperature at 7:00 a.m. is 21º. The forecast today, sunny with a high of 37º. The skiing is pretty darn good.
Great base with 1 inch of new snow again yesterday afternoon.
The skiing will be really good again today. Yesterday I was accused of underselling the skiing, … more

Open, 25º, partly cloudy. We had a quick 1.6 inches of snow overnight. The trees are still covered with ice and snow. It looks like a winter wonderland out there. The forecast is for 28º with a few snow flurries possible.
The skiing is quite good, all things considered. Ian … more

Open, 28º at 9:40 a.m. The skiing is fine. The photo is E. skiing today, on her Christmas skis.
Peregrine, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey and Grouse. For a grand total of 10 km.
You will need Maxiglide on no-wax skis. The trails are packed, but there is not enough snow … more

Open, 26º at 7 a.m. and light snow falling. (The photo above is from this morning.)
Storm info: 1/10 inch of ice, 2 inches of sleet, 1 inch of snow. Total moisture in this mix 1.5 inches of water.
Ian is on a snow machine and packing out trails.
My … more
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