Category: Skiing News

Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

10 km open. Decent skiing! A great day to be outside.

Open, 21º at 7 am. 10 km skiing open, Turkey, Grouse, Woodcock, Snow Goose, and Peregrine. Decent skiing with a few rocks poking thru. Skating will be a little soft and bumpy. Ian put a track on Turkey, Woodcock, and Peregrine. I would use rock skis, but that is just … more

Open for skiing on Saturday, the 30th of November.

Closed Friday. Open Saturday. The temperature at 6 am is 28º AND the storm total for snow……..13.1 inches.

That is a lot of snow. It is enough snow to ski on. BUT not today! Today we have to stay off the trails. The ground underneath is wet and the snow … more

Looking at a Saturday, November 30 opening to ski.

Happy Thanksgiving. On Thursday at 8:00pm the temperature is 32º and we have 12+ inches of new snow.

The snow is heavy and wet, and the ground is not frozen. The snow will need to dry out and set up. We are planning to open Saturday morning. And because the … more

The weather forecast is sounding good. Is it time to buy your season pass?!

First, the weather. We are in the 4 to 8 inch of snow total, Wednesday night though Thursday. We are excited, and you know if Ian can get some skiing open he will. I will let you know on Friday.

Remember the December 18th storm of 2020? The forecast … more

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