Category: Skiing News
Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

Open 17º at 7 am and partly cloudy. Forecast high today 25º and partly cloudy.
The skiing is good. Ian has done a great job, with shoveling, (he has had help with shoveling), the grooming job he is doing is fantastic! And we have just enough snow.
10 km open, … more

Open, 21º at 7 am. Forecast high 25º and cloudy.
We still have good skiing.
10 km open. 10 km classic and 6 km skate. Freshly groomed this morning.
Coverage in most places is still good. There are getting to be thin spots. Ian is going to do some shoveling … more
Open, 28º and cloudy with the possibility of snow this morning. On the radar it appears we will get some snow between 8 am and 9:30 am.
Ian is out grooming this morning and will have groomed all 10 km by about 9:00 am.
The snow is nice! The skiing … more

Open, 25º, 2 inches of new snow overnight. The forecast high today is 34º and cloudy. 10 km open. Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse and Peregrine. 10 km, classic and 6 km skate.
Good skiing. It will be slower than yesterday.
The upcoming weather looks a little boring. After today … more
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