Category: Skiing News

Below is a list of the Wild Wings daily skiing news blog with the most recent posts at the top.

Closed for the day.

Closed, 38º, rain overnight, soft, soft snow. We will be closed today and tomorrow to let the snow drain and dry out, again. Hoping for snow to fall on Wednesday night, forecast is 1-3″. The snow will still be soft Thursday, we are not making a decision on Thursday right … more

Hard pack base with a dusting of new snow. Ten km of some pretty darn good skiing.

Open, 24º, a dusting of snow overnight. The hard pack base is good skiing for today. Pay attention to the weather/ weather forecast over the next couple of days. If we have rain or the temperature is too warm we will be closed. We will be trying to protect the … more

Moonlight grooming and good skiing!

Open, 5º at 7 am, clear. blue sky and a stunning sunrise. Forecast today, blue sky and 27º.

The skiing is good. Track is like this except for a few spots with thinner snow coverage. Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, and Peregrine are all open with mostly good coverage. … more

More moonlight grooming get us pretty darn good skiing on 7.5 km

Open, 6º a 7 am. Sunny today with a forecast high of 26º.

Turkey, Woodcock, Grouse, and Peregrine are all groomed up and ready to go. Round and round Ian went in the ranger grinding up the snow making a great skiing surface. Classic and skate skiers both had a … more

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