Skiing last Friday. Jamie stood at this junction and decided, “No bad decision.” photo Hillary, 2/18,2019
Open, 7º. We did get a couple inches of snow. The sun is out today and the forecast is 13º. We will get trails open throughout the day. Starting with Turkey and Peregrine. Then onto Woodcock and Snow Goose. We got absolutely hammered with high winds yesterday and last night, we need to clear branches and sticks before we can groom. Free skiing if you bring a rake (and use it!)
The skiing will be good. There is snow under the crust and snow on top of the crust. Ian will be grooming it all up through out the day and will have a nice mix of powdery, frozen granular. Makes for good skiing. If you are using waxable skis, covered klister is the way to go.
Wow, the wind was amazing. Blew and gusted hard for about 20 hours. The recorded high on Mount Washington yesterday was 171 mph. Lots of places had lots of damage. We just have the normal stick/branch down thing going on.
We, as most people this year, are over run with squirrels. We have seen as many as 5 at a time under the bird feeder. They live under our porch and in the garage. They are chewing pests! This little fella, the ermine, which is white in the winter, and a brown weasel in the summer, same animal, loves squirrels, so I am liking him lots!