Author's posts
Mar 20 2023
A great day for a great spring ski.
Open, 18º and a mostly clear sky. Sunshine today and a forecast high of 40º.
The skiing is really good. This morning is mid-winter skiing. Yesterday the 2 inches of powder snow tilled in with the snow underneath left a really great surface. Fresh mid-winter snow, fabulous skiing. If you … more
Mar 19 2023
2 inches of new snow, good skiing, groomed out nicely. 10 km open, low trails.
Open, 15º and 2 inches of new snow. The wind is blowing and the sun is rising into a clear, blue sky.
Forecast high today24º. Clear sky early, clouding up in the afternoon.
The low trails are open, 10 km of good skiing.
The Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, … more
Mar 19 2023
March 29, 2023
Open, 22º, the sun is rising to clear sky. High today 45º. Great spring skiing, hard and fast this morning. Softening around 10 am and slowing down by 11 am. All trails are open. Open 9-5 this time of year.
Mar 18 2023
Loose granular snow, groomed up nicely, good skiing.
Open, 32º and cloudy skies. Loose granular surface grooming up nicely. Skiing is good. Open trails, Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, Peregrine. Open, not groomed today, Chickadee, and Loon. Upper and Middle Blue Jay closed until further notice.

The snow is great, Ian has spent hours in the groomer … more