Tracy Black

Author's posts

Really good skiing on a good ol’ winter day.

Open at 9 am. The temperature at 7 am is -8º. And on this brisk morning the sun is shining and the sun rise beautiful. It is crisp and the snow is creaky. Cold snow is slow snow. The forecast high for today is a balmy 12º.

The hard pack … more

A fabulous, cold day to ski.

Open at 9 am. The temperature at 7 am is -1º. It is a brisk winter day. I am so happy to have winter this year! The forecast high today is 11º.

The skiing is fabulous. 20.5 km open. Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, and Peregrine, great track, really … more

An inch of fluffy, powdery snow. Great skiing.

Open at 9 am. The current temperature is 5º. We had 1 inch of snow last night. The sky is clear, it is a beautiful morning. The forecast high is 13º with sun and clouds.

The photos above are from this morning. The first looking west. The middle looking north. … more

Two inches of new snow, a snow-globe day, with great skiing.

Open at 9 am. The current temperature is 30º. The temperature will drop during the day, with snow starting around 3 pm.

The photos above are all from this morning. Ian is in the snow cat on the lower trails. And Jonathan on the snow machine on Chickadee and Loon … more

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