Tracy Black

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Yoga schedule July 20th through July 30th (Schedule at the bottom)


An x-ray of my new hardware. The new hip is great and I know at a point in the near future it won’t hurt. But this is a process and I am 1 month in. Another month or 2 and I should be good to go. The next picture … more

Yoga schedule July 14th through July 28th

Below is the schedule for the next few weeks. Please note changes 9-10:15am. And, no class Saturday the 21st, or Monday morning the 23rd at 9am. YES class Monday, the 23rd, at 5:30pm. Gretchen is participating in an Iron Man competition in Lake Placid. Ian and I are going to … more

Yoga schedule July 7th through July 14th

  • The foxglove seem to be loving the heat. Me, not so much. I am a lover of 75º during the day and 50º at night. This weather is the pits. The bike race went off last Saturday without a hitch, it was hot but not as hot as Sunday. See

Yoga schedule June 30th through July 7th

The dirt road in Peru is in great shape for a bike ride! The ride starts at Wild Wings and winds around Peru, Londonderry, Landgrove and Weston for 40 miles. Some class 3 and class 4 roads with a little bit of pavement. This ride is coordinated by our friends … more

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