Author's posts
Jan 18 2019
Yoga Schedule January 19th-January 28th (schedule at the end)
My favorite Mary Oliver poem, al least right this minute.
How I Go To The Woods
Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore unsuitable.
I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds or … more
Jan 18 2019
Another great day!
Open, 19º at 7am. Cloudy with a dusting of snow overnight. The skiing is great. All trails are open. 25 km classic and 5 km skate.

Ian is still coaching the Burr and Burton team. This was during a ski practice, the … more
Jan 18 2019
January 18, 2019
Jan 17 2019
Skiing Today is Magnificent!
Open, -4º at 7am. Another clear sunny day. Really good skiing. The skiing is about as good as it gets. 25 km classic and 5 km skate.
Ian re-groomed the Chickadee, groomed the Loon and Waite’s Place Loop. He shoveled up on the Loon and Waite’s Place like crazy to … more